Asking these nine mindfulness questions each night will accelerate your productivity and help you achieve and succeed more over time!Are you ready to start each day off with Rocket Fuel? That's what it's like to ask yourself these 9 daily mindfulness questions each morning!Every day, you need a dedicated schedule designed to nurture and develop your abilities. Then, you must follow bursts of inspiration when they strike!Are you struggling to keep up with all the meetings, tasks and notes in your life? A bullet journal will help you master the endless flow of details!Learn about practicing daily affirmations, logging your time use, keeping a daily score card of your habits, setting time-boxed and SMART goals, starting and ending your day with journaling, and following a daily routine.By doing these 12 things, you're removing barriers to achieving your ultimate dreams and reaching levels of success you never thought possible before!I use these ten daily affirmations to direct my focus in life, to train my brain to recognize opportunities and to achieve my utmost potential!