Eric was falling, with great speed, towards a park in the middle of a large metropolitan area. People walked around trees and ponds like small insects, but that was soon to change, as he rocketed towards the ground.The midnight streets are mine alone traversed on soft soled shoe, to step on gritty pavement and breathe in sweet life anew.Check out this list of all the Deadly Communication Sins to avoid that can RUIN any interaction you have with others!Beads of sweat rolled down her face, stinging her eyes as she reached a dried, cracked and bleeding hand high above her to feel for a safe point to grasp.I use these ten daily affirmations to direct my focus in life, to train my brain to recognize opportunities and to achieve my utmost potential!I wrote this poem about 3 months before I got sober, almost nine years ago. It's a window into the darkest moments of my life.Everything that's truly beautiful and of value is born out of sacrifice. It separates the legendary heroes of the ages from the mediocre.For the first time in a while, I'm doing better at taking command of my time and forging new habits for a lasting positive impact in my life.