Curling Wisps of Starlit Smoke (poem)
This is a poem I wrote over a decade ago, originally published on Ubersite on June 1, 2005. I really like how it came out... I hope you do too.
The midnight streets are mine alone traversed on soft soled shoe,
To step on gritty pavement and breathe in sweet life anew.
As chipper cries of crickets and the rare-heard song of bird
Caress one's observations of the many souls unstirred,
This occurrence of reflection is a moment oft embraced
So in the mind's soliloquy, just order is replaced.
Perhaps a thought of torment has deprived one of his peace;
From equanimous complacence one's quintessence is released.
Yet apart from rhyme or reason, the experience is certain
The encumbrance of humanity oft weighs upon a person.
Though to fathom it is nature and through nature it is fathomed
Every man's repressed solicitude just serves to forge his chasm.
It is innate independence which all creatures now adopt
For in trusting other creatures, one entreats the other's lot.
But to think that comprehension of enlightenment is found
Through deprivation of affection is a principle unsound!
Still, reliance on the foreign and all precepts learned apart
From man's own monologue familiar can be vexing to impart.
So forever on traverse I through each lonely midnight street
In hopes that on a blesséd day a kindred soul I meet.
I consider it not folly that perhaps amongst the years
I should think and smoke while walking and find she who soothes my fears.
This I ask you, sweet Athena, who would muse a song in me
Simply look for burning ember in the night: it burns with me.

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