
Achievement, Blog, Daily, Greatness, Habits, Journal, Meditation, VieDay, Self-Improvement, Productivity

Achieve your Goals with Dedication, Inspiration and Meditation

Every day, you need a dedicated schedule designed to nurture and develop your abilities. Then, you must follow bursts of inspiration when they strike!
CratesJanuary 21, 2020
5 min read
BuJo, Bullet Journal, Achievement, Daily, Greatness, Habits, Journal, Productivity, Self-Improvement, VieDay

Use a Bullet Journal to Take Control of your Life

Are you struggling to keep up with all the meetings, tasks and notes in your life? A bullet journal will help you master the endless flow of details!
CratesJanuary 14, 2020
7 min read
Achievement, Daily, Greatness, Habits, Productivity, Self-Improvement, Stoicism, VieDay

My Secrets to Productivity and Success in 2020 (Part 2 of 2)

Learn about practicing daily affirmations, logging your time use, keeping a daily score card of your habits, setting time-boxed and SMART goals, starting and ending your day with journaling, and following a daily routine.
CratesJanuary 03, 2020
7 min read
Blog, Daily, Daily Affirmations, Greatness, Habits, Productivity, Self-Improvement, VieDay

12 Keys to Increasing Productivity and Achieving Success in 2020: Part 1 of 2

By doing these 12 things, you're removing barriers to achieving your ultimate dreams and reaching levels of success you never thought possible before!
CratesJanuary 09, 2020
8 min read
Achievement, Blog, Essays, Greatness, Habits, Journal, Productivity, Self-Improvement, Stoicism, VieDay

What's preventing you from achieving your 10 year goals inside of 6 months?

Every day in December 2019, I've been asking myself Peter Thiel's question: "What's preventing you from achieving your 10 year goals inside of 6 months?"
CratesJanuary 09, 2020
7 min read
Daily Affirmations, Greatness, Self-Improvement, Daily, Habits, VieDay

My 10 Daily Affirmations

I use these ten daily affirmations to direct my focus in life, to train my brain to recognize opportunities and to achieve my utmost potential!
CratesJanuary 02, 2020
2 min read